2020 Events Update

We had hoped that we might have been able to resume our ‘business as usual’ and hold our monthly talks from September onwards, but St. Peter’s School Head has advised us that they would prefer us to defer our use of their hall until October, to allow them to risk assess the main return to school, in isolation of other risks.

The “Top Fruit” talk scheduled for 16th September is therefore cancelled.

We will confirm with her nearer the time, but hopefully we shall be able to hold our AGM there on the 21st October, and then resume our programme from then onwards.

We will let you know of any new arrangements about social distancing, hand sanitising, and so on, that we may need to comply with in order to keep everyone safe. We will also be supplying details of our planned talks and trips for 2021/22.

If you have any questions, please get in touch via our Contact Form.

David Hughes

I am an experienced website designer and developer, with over ten years' experience. I have used Squarespace with my clients for over five years, concentrating on projects for smaller businesses and charities in the UK.