September Talk

On Wednesday 18th September 2019, some 37 Members and Friends of BRHS attended at St Peter's School, Rossett to hear an interesting talk on "Putting your Garden to Bed" by Richard Lewis, formerly of Glyndwr University.

Starting with his pet hate, "dirty, rusty tools", and a lecture on the need to clean, polish and treat tools for winter (he uses Vaseline), and of corse making sure everything is sharpened and ready for next Spring.

Richard moved on with enormous energy and enthusiasm.

Several useful hints on collecting seeds, to prolonging crop life by continuing to pick vegetables (whether you want them or not!!!), followed by numerous hints on how to store vegetables and fruit.

In the garden, he stressed the need for god hygiene and tidiness to prevent diseases next year, but not too tidy, look after the insects and  leave cover for them  to successfully survive the winter.

On the other hand, he said, make sure you tackle the enemy, search out vine weevil, snails, chaffer grubs and leather jackets to name a few.

If this was not enough, Richard then went on to talk about overwintering plants, storing dahlias successfully, not to forget remembering to replant bulbs "harvested" earlier in the year.

After talking for well over his scheduled time, Richard answered numerous questions, and was still enthusiastically talking to members as the "tea and Biscuits" came to an end.

Richard gave us an enormous number of thoughts and ideas, and everyone set off from the meeting enthusiastically thinking of what they were going to do differently as they put their garden to bed this year.

Thanking him for a great talk, Chairman John Whiteley said "Richard, you have educated and entertained us before, expectations were high, but you have lived up to, and exceeded our expectations. Thank you for a great evening".